Chapter 31 - Breakdown in Hungary
Dear Diary...
Bolloks !! This time was a serious case :/
If you did read the last chapter of my adventures, you know I had a strange noise in one of my wheels and dad had to have a look on it while we stayed in Hungary.
Bla Bla Bla.. if you didnt read the last chapter
Lets start this one ...
After we arrived in Hungary
the wheel noise started again, this means the hammering dad did on my wheel center cap
didnt solve the problem.
While we stopped at mums Family house, dad did have a look at the wheel and decided to take the wheel center cover out as this was the cause of the horrible noise.
Dad took my wheel off to have a look but all looked normal.
We have been in Hungary for some days waiting for a couple of Friends to arrive from UK (they have been driving
down in a car and we were going together to the festival - OZORA-)
After they arrived, we get ourselves ready and were on our way to OZORA festival and here was when all happened !
You want to know whats happened ??
We got on the road to OZORA and I was on the front ,while Dad Friends (Nuno and Jose) was following us in their car.
Not too far and after some kilometers of driving in a very bad road my back left wheel finally gave up.
Nuno was driving on the back and he saw the wheel go on S S S Ssss.
How to explain this !?
Was like if the wheel was falling out.
inside... Mum and dad felt like this was a tyre puncher but Nuno told us: all the wheel was in SSS movement.
We stopped and took the wheel off but again, nothing was visible, only the barrel of the wheel
(inside) looked a bit out of the place (has moved just a little bit to one side) but not too much.
We put the wheel back and decided to drive VERY SLOW until the next village to find some mechanic or garage.
Before, Dad believed this was the break pad
out of the place but was not ... the situation was very bad !!
Not much far away they found a garage (looked like was abandoned) with a restaurant on the side , which was still working but didn't have any movement at all, inside we found 2 angels :) (who told you that angels do not exist !?)
Anyway, lets leave the comments and go to the main thing...
Inside of the restaurant was the owners, a very friendly couple that promptly come outside and tried to help us out (not surprise, we are the only living souls in that place for a couple of days)
Anyway, lets leave the comments and go to the main thing...
Foda-se... Freeka, get on with this !! I dont have all day to be here ! Move on... please ?!
OK, the owner of the restaurant know a very small village close to the place where we were and out of the main road, so he took us there.That was the ONLY Garage available in the village.
As you can imagine, the man was full of work but (COMMENT WAS REMOVED BY THE TUTORS OF FREEKA) he decided to help us and put our van in front of other works.
By now, is night and the mechanic spend around 2 hours to take the wheel off.
You asking why ?
You want to know what was the main problem ?
Do you want to know whats going to happen next ?
Yes, because on this one dad had to insert a couple of big notes but if you want to know more , keep reading please....
After 2 hours, the mechanic finally took the wheel out... Why ?
The bearing
of the wheel was melted and all the metal parts inside of the wheel barrel was melted !!
If dad has drove 1 more hour , the wheel would got stuck and God knows what would be happen !!
By now, is night and the mechanic + a couple of friends of him tried to order a new part from the Internet but here is where the trouble started...
You want to know why ? I tell you and this time dont need to insert a coin !
They didnt found the right part for me because they were looking for the part by my registration number which is a 85 petrol camper-van...
NOTE: as you may know from other chapters, I had an engine replacement but this was never very clear because was a work made by my grand parent (old owner) who replaced my old engine to a newer Diesel engine PLUS he replaced the bridge under and he never told Dad what king of changes he has made on ME.
After Dad told the mechanic about the engine changes
, the mechanic did a deep search and start to go forward in time until he found that my Engine and bridge are from a1989 2.1 diesel camper-van
, I mean, I did have a mechanic surgery and I am Younger then what I really look (even know, I look much better now then ever, since I have been adopted by this couple of Freaks I call Mum and Dad ;)
Freeka... Can you stop with this (commentary's) ?? Jesus Christ !!
Ok , dad is not in the best humor today, lets finish this chapter at once.
After the mechanic found and ordered the part from the Internet, Mum ,Dad, Nuno and Jose had to go back to the garage (petrol station) to spend the night inside Nuno's car while ME had to stay in the mechanic garage to be fixed in the morning.
Do I need to say, they have been waken up by a couple of police officers during the night asking for documents and passports
Luckily Mum is Hungarian and she did explain whats happen and why we are all sleeping in the petrol station car park :o) ufffff....
Next day they woke up and got into the petrol station`s restaurant for a quick breakfast.
As the Camper-van (ME) was going to be ready only around 15.00pm.
Anyways, we were in good hands and the lady from the restaurant did cook some food for us and made us feel very comfortable in his place and Nuno even had a chance to take a cold water shower for free...
Not bad hey :) !?
After some food and a chat, they got back to the garage to see how I was (around 12.00pm)
The mechanic have just received the part and just started working on ME...
The wheel`s bearing
I had on before was not original, it was smaller, maybe this was one of the reasons the bearing
broke !!
As I said... we were with angels and this mechanic was one of them. He fixed ME and do you know how much dad paid ??
* Bearing
- £50
* handwork - £20
TOTAL - £70
No, Im not joking !!!
Only in Hungary !! Friendly, clever, cheap and most of all... Human people
Maybe not all but this people were a bunch of angels in our way !!
Thank you guys...
Thank you Nuno for being with us and helped us out with everything.
You know what friends are about !
Thank you too for reading one more of my chapters...
" The road trips camper-van"
Have you finished ? Really ? Finally... Im Loosing my patient with you Freeka,
I hope this is the last time you left me down... Beatch!!
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